If finding ways to reduce stress is one of your top priorities when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, then finding the right house cleaning service can play an important role in helping you to make some personal improvements in 2023.

Work, family life, and a wide range of other issues can play a part in causing your stress levels to rise. Whilst it’s certainly true that the act of cleaning can be extremely cathartic and have many benefits on your mental health, when you have a busy work life, the thought of taking care of household cleaning tasks can also add to your stress. As a result, choosing to invest in regular cleaning services can make a very positive difference. 

Whilst you may find that letting someone else into your home to help with cleaning feels a little unusual, after a while, you will get used to it as you enjoy the benefits. Needless to say, not all cleaners offer the same quality of service, so it’s important to ensure that you are using a company you can trust.

Finding the right house cleaning service

Whilst there are so many companies providing domestic cleaning services, it’s important to do your research into finding the right cleaner for you. Afterall, if you are unhappy with the results, this will only create more stress, as you will then need to continue your search. Finding a cleaner that ticks all your boxes will give you peace of mind that your house will be cleaned to the standard you expect, leaving you to focus on other things.

Here are several things to consider in your domestic cleaning service search.

Are the services you need provided?

Consider the tasks that you need help with, as you will need to make sure that companies you look at provide the services you are looking for. For example, if in addition to general cleaning, you would like help with tasks such as oven cleaning or window cleaning, it’s important to ensure the company you choose can help in these areas.

Are reviews available?

Before making any purchase decision or paying for a service, it’s always a good idea to check reviews online. This provides a way to see if past customers have had issues that may cause you stress, or if the company has gained favourable reviews in the majority of cases.

Is the cleaning company a member of a trade association?

If a cleaning company is part of a cleaning trade association, this is a good sign. In order to gain membership with the Domestic Cleaning Alliance, domestic cleaning companies must meet certain criteria in terms of the services they provide, and how they conduct business. It is always a good idea to check that if a cleaning company displays our badge on their website or literature, that the name of the company is also listed by us.

Is the cleaner insured?

For peace of mind about letting cleaners into your home, it’s important to make sure they are insured, protecting you in the case of any incident where damage is caused to your home. In order to join cleaning trade associations, it is usually the case that the company providing cleaning services must have proof that they are insured.

Check for trustworthy cleaning companies

Our website is always a good place to start when searching for a house cleaning service in your area. Simply visit the 'Meet Our Members' page to view a list of trusted domestic cleaning companies, helping you to relax, knowing that you can rely on the domestic help you need to reduce stress and balance your time.