Letting someone into your home to assist with the house chores can feel unusual at first, however, you have to think of it differently and consider hiring a domestic cleaning company to be a form of selfcare. You are opening yourself up for support, so you can manage daily responsibilities much easier, with less pressure. Whether it’s a one off clean or a routine service you are interested in, finding the right cleaning team can help you to trust a team coming into your home and with excellent results, you may find yourself scheduling in another clean!

Once you are open to a domestic cleaning service, finding the right company who aligns with your standards and values is key. But where do you start? 

Decide on a Cleaning Service

To narrow down the type of domestic cleaning company you are searching for, you need to decide on what cleaning services you need exactly. Do you need your windows cleaning or garden tidying up? Do you need a deeper clean for your oven or carpets? Do you need a general clean to freshen up your home?


Whichever type of cleaning you are looking for, it can be helpful to know what you are looking for before you enquire. Also consider your budget as this can be helpful if a company offers cleaning packages which may be of interest to you.

Research Cleaning Companies

As well as providing the cleaning service you need, there are a few other requirements you may need from a domestic cleaning company, including:

  • They can travel to your location
  • They are within your budget
  • They have availability around your schedule
  • They work when you need them to (do they close during school holidays and the festive season?)

Your requirements for a cleaning service will be tailored to what you need for a straightforward service. Some of this information may be available on company websites and social media, however, you may need to make an enquiry to have all of your questions answered.

Checking If They Are Reliable

A professional looking website and impressive social media presence isn’t enough to prove that a team is trustworthy to complete work inside your home. Instead, consider other ways to get an idea on how reliable a domestic cleaning company is.


Are they part of a trade association? If they are, this can be a good sign. For example, here at the Domestic Cleaning Alliance all of our members are listed on our website, so their customers can check them out and see that they are running a legitimate, tax paying, insured organisation.


Can you find online reviews? Browse their social media pages, Google My Business and review websites to see if you can find past customers of theirs providing helpful feedback.


Do you know anyone who has used them? Word of mouth is a great way to find reliable companies, as it’s often from people whose opinion you can trust. Better yet, if it’s a close friend or family member you may be able to see the results in person before enquiring with a domestic cleaning company.


Are they a house cleaning franchise? Hiring a team who are part of a house cleaning franchise could mean that you have a number of locations to choose from, plus it may be easier to find reviews about how trustworthy they are.

How We Can Help You Find a Domestic Cleaning Company

If you are ready to begin looking for a domestic cleaning company, begin by browsing our members page where those who are legitimately using our name or logo will be listed. Here you will also be able to find their location and a few have links to their website and social media.